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Legendary, Heroik

90 Days to Transform Your Digital Strategic plan

In the digital age, strategy isn’t just about planning; it’s about outmaneuvering, outthinking, and outperforming. Heroik’s 90-day program is your blueprint, your game plan, your secret weapon. It’s time to stop playing catch-up and start leading the charge.

Elevate Your Digital Journey With Heroik

TLDR: A real vision, tailored plan, collaborative journey, in record time.

From: $38,000


Overhaul your digital strategic plan

1. Assessment & Analysis

2. Strategic Planning

3. Execution & Refinement

PHASE 1 – Discovery & Assessment
(Days 1-30)

Deep Dive Into Your Digital Landscape


Establish Current Digital Footprint

Where are you now? A thorough audit of your online presence, platforms, and performance.


Competitive Analysis

Depending on the focus area of the project, we will conduct quantitative & qualitative, and observational research and discovery,  and assessments of the elements involved to ensure we’re making discerning, data-driven, and user-centered decisions.

Stakeholder Interviews & Workshops


Vision & Goals

Where do you want to be? Aligning your team’s vision and setting clear, actionable goals.


Pain Points & Opportunities

Identifying challenges and areas ripe for innovation.

PHASE 2 – Strategy Formulation
(Days 31-60)

Content & Branding Strategy


Heroik-Style Content Mapping

Crafting a content strategy that resonates, engages, and converts.


Branding Blueprint

Ensuring your digital identity is consistent, compelling, and memorable.

Sales & Marketing Funnel Design


Customer Journey Mapping

Understanding your customer’s path from awareness to conversion.


Conversion Optimization

Crafting high-converting landing pages, email sequences, and CTAs.

PHASE 3 – INTEGRATION & Refinement
(Days 61-90)

Digital Platform Integration


Tech Stack Selection

Choosing the right tools and platforms that align with your strategy.


Optimize Integration

Ensuring all your digital assets work in harmony.

Performance Analytics & Refinement


K.P.I.’s & Metrics

What gets measured gets improved. Setting clear KPIs and monitoring performance.


Iterative Refinement

Using data-driven insights to refine and optimize your strategy.

Tools & Resources

Leverage Heroik’s arsenal of cutting-edge tools, platforms, and resources


Digital Strategy Playbook

Your in-depth guide, filled with the details, checklists, and best practices of your organization.


Heroik Digital Trainings

Premier access to workshops and training sessions

Program Investment

Starting at $38,000. This is more than just a cost; it’s an investment in your digital future. It’s about positioning yourself as a leader in a digital-first world.


The digital realm is vast, dynamic, and full of opportunities. But without a solid strategy, it’s easy to drift aimlessly. In 90 days, with Heroik as your guide, you can set a clear course, sail with confidence, and conquer new horizons. It all starts with a digital strategic plan you can count on.

Ready to dominate the digital realm? Let’s craft your master plan.

What to Expect

First and foremost you can expect that our efforts together are all collaborative. And they require that you and your team are committed to your declared goals, our shared project, and the formidable work in between.

We make the seemingly impossible possible. As a guide and sherpa, we make the path easier, but greatness is still a challenging journey to the top. And it’s not for most.


We WILL Do the Formidable Work.

We are here to DTFW – Do The Formidable Work – together with you.

The journeys we offer are not a fit for every business. We work with the select few who are committed to their cause, investing in themselves, their team, and their company, to achieve their goals.

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