Legendary, Heroik


Content is king. And whether you’re seeking to dominate search engine results, create captivating articles that attract eyeballs, or build trust and drive conversions, you need a strategy to define and guide the arc and production of content. We offer content creation and management services to keep you top of mind as an authority and thought leader in your industry.


Years in Business






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there is heroik power in headlines…but that alone is not enough

You wouldn’t start building a house without a blueprint – especially if your family was going to live in it. And just like building your home, content marketing starts with a plan.

Content Marketing

Winning With Content


Content Audit

Unlike your typical data geeks, we have the unique ability to discern our way through the data, and drill down to the true signals of human behavior on the web, and focus on the audience that matters. We get under the hood of your market, industry, audience and competitors on the digital plane, and deliver insights and opportunities to your door.


Content Strategy

We walk our clients through an immersive, multi-channel, market, search, social, and  competitor analysis to identify goals and objectives, topic opportunities that resonate with your buyer persona. We develop plans and schedules for the creation, management, optimization and distribution of your content. We can collaborate with you to develop a high-level project plan which details duration and dependencies of key components, and design checkpoints to assess progress and success over time.


Blogs, eBooks, Whitepapers, Downloadables & Infographics 

We have been blogging and creating graphics for over 19 years, so we’re great at creating blog articles, eBooks, Whitepapers, Infographics and other downloadables that align with your content marketing goals and objectives.


Content & Knowledge Management

Content and Knowledge management has never been so critical.  Heorik brings the ability to harness your digital assets (images, blog posts, video clips, etc.) and apply analytics that make distribution, optimization and publication/promotion manageable.


Search Engine Optimization

Content is king to be sure, but before you create it, you need to know what to create to drive the outcomes you want in the first place. The content you create also needs to be optimized to maximize its discoverability on search engine results. We offer No Bull SEO that weeds out false signals, bots, and focuses on the results and metrics that matter.


Social Media Marketing

We will promote your content via various social media channels depending on your objectives, and may manage boosted (paid) promotional campaigns or traditional PPC campaigns on social media. 


Email Marketing

The subject line alone is enough to leave a lasting impression, and plant seeds of curiosity in the minds of your target audience. This is what makes email marketing so powerful, but it takes a strategy, and a great deal of content to create personalized campaigns. Let us help you with yours.





We will perform SEO & SMO competitive and market research to assess your current content, target audience, determine the right format that best matches your business objectives and target audience at the different stages of the customer journey,



We will identify and collaborate on content opportunities and themes that align with your business objectives.



We will begin creating content with an overlying  content arc of  top categories, channels, topics, and keywords.



In alignment with plans and business objectives, we will publish the content via our managed content vehicles or yours, and ensure that leads are driven to your door.



We distibrute & promote the content to spread the word on the appropriate channels to ensure the content gets seen and aligns with your broader marketing strategy.

Top 30 FAQs About Content Marketing

 What is content marketing?

Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating, publishing, and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.

Why is content marketing important?

It helps businesses build trust with their audience, improve conversions, connect with customers, and generate leads. Additionally, it enhances your brand’s online presence and establishes you as an authority in your industry.

How does content marketing differ from traditional marketing?

Traditional marketing is often about pushing products or services on customers. In contrast, using content to market is about meeting the consumer’s needs with valuable information, thereby building trust and guiding them towards a decision without a direct sales pitch.

What types of content can be used in content marketing?

It encompasses a wide range of content types, including blogs, videos, infographics, podcasts, webinars, case studies, e-books, whitepapers, quizzes, and more.

How often should I publish new content?

The frequency depends on your business goals, resources, and audience’s needs. Some brands publish daily, while others might post weekly or monthly. The key is consistency.

How do I know what topics to write about?

Start by understanding your audience’s needs and challenges. Use tools like keyword research, customer feedback, and industry trends to identify topics that resonate with your target audience.

How do I measure the success of my content marketing efforts?

Key performance indicators (KPIs) like website traffic, engagement metrics (likes, shares, comments), lead generation, conversion rates, and ROI can help measure success. Tools like Google Analytics, social media analytics, and email marketing platforms provide valuable data.

How can I make my content more engaging?

Use storytelling, incorporate visuals, address your audience’s pain points, ask questions, and encourage interaction. Keeping content concise and actionable also helps.

What is a content marketing strategy?

It’s a plan that guides your content creation efforts. It includes understanding your audience, setting goals, determining the types of content you’ll produce, and analyzing the results.

How do I promote my content?

Use a mix of organic promotion (SEO, email marketing) and paid strategies (PPC, social media ads). Engaging with communities and influencers can also amplify your reach.

Is content marketing only for B2C businesses?

No, B2B content marketing is equally valuable. While the approach might differ, the core principle of providing value to nurture relationships remains the same.

How do I ensure my content is consistent with my brand?

Develop a content style guide that outlines your brand’s voice, tone, and style. This ensures consistency across all content pieces.

What’s the role of social media in content marketing?

Social media platforms are powerful channels to distribute and promote content, engage with your audience, and amplify your message.

How can I repurpose content?

A single piece of content can be transformed into various formats. For example, a blog post can become an infographic, podcast episode, or a series of social media posts.

What is evergreen content?

Evergreen content remains relevant over time, driving traffic and engagement long after it’s published. Examples include how-to guides, tutorials, and FAQs.

How do I keep up with content marketing trends?

Stay updated by following industry blogs, attending webinars, and participating in marketing communities and forums.

Should I outsource content creation?

It depends on your resources and expertise. Outsourcing can provide access to expert writers and a fresh perspective, but ensure the content aligns with your brand voice.

How do I optimize content for mobile?

Use responsive design, ensure fast loading times, use concise paragraphs, and incorporate visuals optimized for mobile screens.

What are content marketing best practices?

Understand your audience, be consistent, focus on quality over quantity, promote your content, and always measure and refine your strategy based on analytics.

How do I handle negative feedback on my content?

Respond professionally, address concerns genuinely, and view feedback as an opportunity to improve.

Is content marketing expensive?

Costs vary based on production, promotion, and distribution. However, marketing with content often provides a higher ROI compared to traditional marketing methods.

How do I integrate content marketing with other marketing efforts?

Align your content strategy with other marketing campaigns, collaborate across teams, and ensure a consistent message across all channels.

What is a content calendar?

It’s a schedule that outlines when and where you’ll publish upcoming content. It helps in planning and ensuring consistency.

How do I target different stages of the buyer’s journey?

Understand the needs and questions your audience has at each stage and tailor your content to address those specific points.

What role does technology play in content marketing?

Technology, like content management systems, analytics tools, and marketing automation platforms, can streamline content creation, distribution, and measurement.

How do I ensure my content is trustworthy and authoritative?

Cite reputable sources, use original research, ensure content accuracy, and establish thought leadership in your industry.

What is user-generated content (UGC)?

UGC is content created by your audience, like reviews, testimonials, and social media posts. It can be a powerful form of social proof.

How can I encourage UGC?

Create engaging campaigns, encourage reviews, run contests, and actively engage with your community.

How long does it take to see results from content marketing?

Using blog articles for example, is a type of Content marketing for a long-term strategy. Video content marketing might off some results that can be seen in a few months, significant ROI often takes 6-12 months or longer.

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