California Airport Council (CAC)

An association of commercial airports in the state of California


Taking California Airports Council to a new Digital Paradigm

The CAC advocates on behalf of the commercial service airports in the state of California creating a unified voice for before state and federal leaders. Airports are dynamic environments that require constant education and growth. The CAC cultivates these opportunities for both airport staff and policymakers. Collaboratively, California’s airports share resources and information to illustrate a statewide overview of airport operations. The staff of the California Airports Council provides legislative, advocacy, and association management services to the Council. Key responsibilities include communications with policymakers on the State and Federal level, publication production, committee oversight, and collaboration with industry partners on aviation issues and events.

CAC logo small California Airports Council


markers, touchpoints & narrative

The Challenge


The CAC’s brand identity needed to resonate with contemporary audiences and its members.


Representing major airports means catering to a wide range of interests and ensuring the brand identity was universally appealing.

Adjusting to a New Digital World

The CAC needed to adjust to a modern web world based on dynamic interaction and a high level of information flow. This meant selecting an entirely new operating platform and migrating to it. 

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The Solution

Deep Dive Discovery

Heroik initiated the project with a comprehensive discovery phase, understanding CAC’s history, needs, and future aspirations.

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Unified Visual Identity

Drawing inspiration from the history of commercial flight, Heroik crafted a visual identity that was both modern and timeless. The design encapsulated the essence of CAC’s mission and its pivotal role in the commercial airport industry.

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Narrative Development

 As part of the process, Heroik created a compelling conceptual narrative that highlighted CAC’s commitment to environmental sustainability, technological innovation, and advocacy to guide creation of the brand identity. This ensures that the identity has depth, applicability and can be seamlessly integrated into all branding materials, ensuring a cohesive message across all touchpoints. 

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Digital Presence

msv baseball camp landing page mockup

Recognizing CAC’s leadership in digital infrastructure development, Heroik designed a dynamic website that showcased CAC a. The site also featured interactive elements, providing stakeholders with real-time insights into port operations and advancements.

Measurable Outcomes

 Recognition and acclaim in the industry

sports manager meeting

The  CAC brand identity was met with acclaim from both advocacy and industry members and the broader professional community. The  brand identity not only reflected CAC’s stature but also effectively communicated its mission and values to a global audience.

Digital Presence Became a platform

conceptual map of mather sports village

The digital platform became a hub offering a quick overview of CAC’s initiatives. The brand identity played a critical role in the integrated communications platform, emphasizing CAC’s role in driving sustainable and innovative port operations.


Heroik’s collaboration with CAC stands as a testament to the transformative power of strategic branding. By understanding CAC’s achievements and aspirations, Heroik was able to craft a brand identity that truly reflected its stature. The new brand not only elevated CAC’s presence in the industry.

airplane landing airport runway California Airports Council
boarding area with glass window planes al generated California Airports Council
airplane skygenerative ai California Airports Council

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