15 Essential Questions to Ask Before Investing in New Business Technology
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Let’s cut through the BS when it comes to buying business technology. Most businesses waste money on shiny new tech that doesn’t move the needle. Before you blow your budget on the latest gadget or software, ask yourself these 15 hard-hitting questions about your new business technology.

1. Will this bUSINESS tECHNOLOGY actually make us money?

Don’t fall for the hype. If you can’t directly tie the tech to increased revenue or massive cost savings, it’s probably not worth it. Period. Also, Don’t rope others into initiatives that aren’t mapped to clear, meaningful and SMART goals and especially your bottom line.

2. Does it solve a real problem?

If you’re not losing sleep over the issue this tech claims to solve, walk away. Only invest in solutions to problems that are actively hurting your business. The exception? When you don’t know what should be keeping you up at night and you need to figure it out.

3. Can our team actually use this?

The fanciest software or business technology is useless if your people can’t or won’t use it. Consider the learning curve and whether it fits your company culture. If you don’t have the staff to use the tool, it’s probably better to draft an RFP and find a vendor to have manage the effort. It’s more important to understand the strategy and the limits of your capabilities, and decide where/when to outsource or pay for a managed solution.

4. What’s the true cost of ownership?

Look beyond the sticker price. Factor in training, maintenance, upgrades, and the opportunity cost of implementation. The real price tag of business technology might shock you. Nobody likes surprise costs, that’s why Heroik offers straight forward pricing always – none of that gotcha BS.

5. How will this impact our customer experience?

If it doesn’t make life better for your customers, think twice. Every tech decision should ultimately benefit the people paying your bills or optimize your cost structures / efficiency.

6. Is this scalable?

Don’t invest in business technology or any solution you’ll outgrow in a year. Choose tech that can grow with you, or you’ll be back at square one before you know it.

7. How does this align with our long-term strategy?

Shiny object syndrome is real. Make sure any new tech fits into your bigger picture, or you’ll end up with a Frankenstein’s monster of mismatched systems. If you don’t know what the big picture or strategy is – you need to start by developing one. Check out our programs for that.

8. What’s our exit strategy?

Before you commit, know how you’ll get out if things go south. Vendor lock-in is a real pain in the ass, so plan your escape route now. Heroik makes it easy for project work – 30 days notice in most cases.

9. Who else is using this successfully?

Don’t be a guinea pig unless you’re getting paid for it. Look for case studies in your industry and talk to real users before pulling the trigger. However, in tech this is difficult. If everyone is using it, the potential edge is often temporary, and it’s easy to get lost in a game of keeping up with the Jones’. And if you’re working with established pros, their solutions tend to be more distinctive or unique (reflecting experience). Look for underlying or guiding methodologies and their case studies. Is the solution rooted or correlated to proven methods or is it vaporware?

10. How secure is this?

In today’s world, a data breach can sink your ship faster than anything. Make sure any new tech meets the highest security standards, or you’re playing with fire. There is a lot of cheap and unsecure solutions out there. We prefer to do business within a day’s flight of us, so confronting the situation is at worst one day and one throat punch away. Generally, it’s best to stay in country, where you know the laws and the process.

11. Can we measure the impact?

If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it. Ensure you have clear KPIs to track the success (or failure) of your new tech investment. You should know this before you even start shopping or considering tech. But if not, it’s probably because you do not have a robust digital strategic plan – and you should fix that first.

12. What’s the opportunity cost?

Every dollar you spend on new tech is a dollar you’re not spending somewhere else. Make sure this is truly the best use of your resources right now. What are the other available alternatives and the pros and cons of each? Do a bit of analysis to avoid jumping the gun.

13. How will this integrate with our existing systems?

The last thing you need is another isolated data silo. Make sure any new tech plays nice with your current stack, or you’ll create more problems than you solve. HOWEVER – If what you already have IS the isolated data silo system, it may be time to jump to something more flexible and liquid. Reverse scalable systems tend to offer more digital liquidity. If you don’t understand that, well – get with us for a strategy session.

14. What’s the vendor’s track record?

Don’t just evaluate the product; evaluate the company behind it. Look for stability, good support, and a history of continuous improvement. There are many company’s in the AI space for example, that won’t be here this time next year. And if your whole team is on a one-off system, that goes out of business, you’ll have to start the process all over again and retrain your team on a new solution.

15. Does this give us a competitive edge?

In today’s cutthroat market, you need every advantage you can get. If this tech doesn’t help you outperform your competitors, keep looking. This gets beyond the technology, and to the strategies that the technology supports or aligns to. You need the right tools for the job, and that starts with the right strategy.

Now, let’s get real for a second. Most businesses approach tech decisions like a drunk guy at a buffet – grabbing everything that looks good without thinking about the consequences. That’s a recipe for indigestion and wasted money.

Instead, you need to approach tech investments like a professional athlete approaches their diet. Every single thing that goes in needs to serve a specific purpose and contribute to peak performance.

Remember, technology itself isn’t the goal. It’s just a tool to help you dominate your market and create massive value for your customers. If it’s not doing that, it’s just expensive clutter.

Here’s the brutal truth: Most businesses could probably cut their tech stack in half and see better results.

Why? Because they’re spread too thin, trying to do everything instead of focusing on what really moves the needle.

So before you sign that check or click that “Buy Now” button for more business technology, run through these 15 questions. Be ruthless. Be skeptical. And most importantly, be focused on what really matters – growing your business and crushing your competition.

If a piece of tech passes this gauntlet, congratulations. You’ve probably found something worth investing in. But if it fails even one of these tests, save your money. You’re better off investing in your people, your products, or your marketing.

Remember, the goal isn’t to have the most tech. It’s to have the right business technology that amplifies your strengths and helps you deliver knockout value to your customers.

So stop chasing shiny objects and start making strategic decisions. Your bottom line will thank you, and you’ll sleep better knowing you’re not flushing money down the digital drain.

Now go out there and dominate. The right tech can be rocket fuel for your business, but only if you choose wisely. These 15 questions are your bullshit detector. Use them relentlessly, and watch your ROI soar. Want some more help? Reach out and Get Heroik! We offer a free project planning tool, and a free tailor-made business roadmap.


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