
Growth Engine Consortium

Develop the brand, experience design, collaboration and innovation frameworks, along with the digital presence for an association of B2B Service Professionals.


Creating a platform for B2B professional service providers focused on creating synergies through collaborating on innovative ways to serve needs of their customers.

The Growth Engine Consortium (GEC) is a visionary organization with a mission to make a significant difference for B2B Service providers who use innovations to advance the condition of their clients, and the broader business community. With its unique approach of exclusive membership and leveraging the power of small groups, the GEC has established itself as a hub for business professionals to connect, collaborate, innovate and grow.

growth engine consortium

Growth Engine Consortium

The Challenge

The challenge of this project was green-field; define a clear vision and a create unique platform model, while establishing a strong brand identity and digital presence. The organization needed a platform that could facilitate its monthly meetings, presentations, panels, and breakout sessions. Moreover, the GEC wanted to incorporate its unique asynchronous collaborative infrastructure where members would have smaller breakout workspaces, where they could collaborate on their own schedules, to deepen relationships, and work towards common goals. The challenge of this was to ensure participation, input, and timely incentive to drive input and collaboration from all members, while translating this unique model into a cohesive digital experience and also expanding its business model to include new strategic partnership components.

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Each month, members of the GEC gather to connect with each other, review information, view presentations, guide collaborative projects, and  learn new tools and techniques to use collectively and individually.

During the monthly meetings, appointed members offer presentations and panels on a range of subjects based on the expertise and needs of the consortium.

At the end of each monthly meeting,  GEC members are organized into smaller project teams to work on breakout projects asynchronously to deepen their relationships and learn more about each other. These collaborations are required to be scheduled between each monthly event and projects are defined to be feasible in that time period. GEC members are required to attend.

The GEC is built on a shoulder to shoulder model. By combining information exchange, with shoulder to shoulder collaborative experience, GEC members come to know, like, trust and refer members based on their experiences. Heroik served at the founding and development of the consortium and its initial digital platform design.

The Solution

GEC sketch mockup Growth Engine Consortium

Heroik stepped in at the foundational stage of the GEC, bringing its expertise to bear including: in digital platform design, brand identity creation, knowledge management, collaborative innovation hubs, teambuilding, leadership, and remote culture building. The solutions provided included the following:

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Brand Identity Creation

Heroik crafted a brand identity for the GEC that resonated with its vision of driving collective synergies to significantly improve the condition of its members and client business community. This identity served as the foundation for subsequent digital and offline materials.

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Digital Presence Design

Recognizing the importance of a robust digital platform for the GEC’s monthly meetings, presentations, and collaborative project work, Heroik developed a proprietary, user-friendly and interactive platform. This platform not only facilitated the monthly events but also seamlessly integrated collaborative project work, ensuring members could easily schedule and attend these crucial breakout sessions.

business meeting review user journey mather sports village

the hub: asynchronous, collaborative, unified workspace

Building deep relationships through shoulder to shoulder project work is a critical component of the GEC experience.  And developing a branded culture based on both remote and in person work is a top priority. So Heroik developed a unique workspace hub, where members and leaders could easily collaborate, communicate and track progress of their work, while having the mission, vision and values of the GEC reinforced throughout the experience. 

business meeting review user journey mather sports village

Business Model Expansion

Heroik went beyond just digital design, assisting the GEC in expanding its business model. Soft Infrastructure & New strategic partnership components were introduced to the business model roadmap, adding layers of value for the GEC leadership, members and partners. This expansion allowed the GEC collectively to be an endorsing body, and advocate for growth engine concepts, the professional service industry, and key disciplines utilized by membership. 

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With Heroik’s expertise, The GEC went from thought to  profit, from a napkin concept into a tangible, functioning association with a world-class brand identity, dynamic digital presence, and incredible infrastructure. The platforms developed by Heroik became the backbone of  the GEC experience, ensuring smooth collaboration, management of project, scheduling and execution of presentations, panels and summits. Moreover, the expanded business model positioned the GEC as a leading voice in the global business community, driving more engagement and collaboration.

conceptual map of mather sports village


Heroik’s work with the Growth Engine Consortium is a testament to its ability to take a vague concept, and transform it into a clear vision and  then translate it into profitable execution. By developing a world-class brand identity, digital presence, incredible collaborative workspace environment, and extending the business model into more strategic opportunities, Heroik played a pivotal role in The GEC‘s journey to achieve its mission.


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World Class Brand Elements

world class brand Growth Engine Consortium

Integrated Digital Presence Design

integrated marketing badge2 Growth Engine Consortium

INTEGRATED Communications

Content badge2 Growth Engine Consortium


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