by iamheroik | Advertising, Data-Driven, Sales, Strategy
One of the top issues we see at Heroik—time and time again—is businesses shopping for solutions before they fully understand their own problems, goals or desired outcomes. It’s like going to a mechanic and asking for new tires when your engine is shot. Too many...
by iamheroik | Advertising, Branding, Business, Communications, Content Marketing, Data-Driven, Digital Marketing, Marketing, Social Media, Strategy
Think you’re getting a sweet deal from tech companies? Think again. Hidden price hikes are lurking in every corner of the digital world, and it’s time to wise up to their tricks. 1. The “Free” Fallacy: Your Data, Their Gold Mine You’ve...
by iamheroik | Knowledge Management, Advertising, Digital Asset Management, Marketing
We’re going to deep dive into how to go about driving an engagement with a marketing agency so that you can achieve your strategic objectives and optimize your dollars spent. Ready? Let’s go. 1. Ensure all of your vendors are chasing the same goals & metrics as...