by iamheroik | AI + Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Innovation
Abstract The Crew AI approach emphasizes the collaborative effort of multiple AI agents to achieve complex tasks. However, a paradigm shift is emerging where a single AI agent evolves to embody this collaborative architecture internally, through layers of subroutines,...
by iamheroik | AI + Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Heroik Tools, Innovation
Abstract Artificial Intelligence (AI) agents are increasingly integrated into diverse fields, from healthcare and finance to education and entertainment. However, a single Large Language Model (LLM) operating autonomously lacks the discernment and contextual...
by iamheroik | Business, Digital Culture, Digital Workspace, Experience Design, Innovation, Integrated Communications, Management, Methodologies
Ever performed a deep dive into the intricacies of your brand’s soft infrastructure and how it can be the catalyst for exponential growth? The depth at which you understand and leverage your brand’s essence can be the difference between stagnation and...
by iamheroik | Business, Digital Culture, Digital Leadership, Experience Design, Going Digital, Growth Engines, Innovation, Marketing, Uncategorized
THE GAME HAS CHANGED…AGAIN! Many businesses are lost in the noise of the Digital Age. They don’t have a map, compass, the tools or enough horsepower to get them to that next level of growth. Heroik Media is a consulting firm that helps businesses keep their edge...
by iamheroik | AI + Machine Learning, Digital Workspace, Going Digital, Innovation, Insights, Integrated Communications, Knowledge Management, Management, Methodologies, Project Management, Strategy
If and when ChatGPT goes down, you will probably lose access to your chat history. That raises concerns and questions. Do you have a backup? Do you have a map of all the contextual inputs you loaded up into your sessions? Is it organized and ready to upload to a...
by iamheroik | AR Augmented Reality, Business, Digital Culture, Digital Workspace, Experience Design, Innovation, Insights, Methodologies, Spatial Computing
Emerging and maturing technologies are coming together to give mankind hope for a brighter future and digital antidotes to heal the tech world. This movement seems to be creating a new constitutional fabric and space wherein each and every individual and business can...