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Legendary, Heroik


Heroik works with business leaders to Do The Formidable Work of transforming organizations from thought to profit. Talk to us about big goals, and we’ll help you create and roll out viable plans to match.


Years in Business


Pillars of Focus




Ways to Engage

Consulting Offerings


Heroik offers professional consulting services, custom learning and development programs, content programs for internal education and external thought leadership.

5 Pillars of Focus


Strategic Business Models


Tech Forward Organizations


World-Class Brands


Integrated Communications Platforms


Sustainable High Performance (Optimization & Productivity)

Engagement Options

5 Ways to engage


1 on 1’s

For individuals who need to stay up to speed and drive transformation in their business and themselves.


Download Sessions

Custom crash courses on need-to-know subjects for small groups.


Horizon Scans

A discerning scan of the horizon, and summary report that includes next steps for your business to take.


H.I.T.T. Sessions – High Intensity Think Tanks

Deep Dives with curated cross-discipline experts to help solve your specific problems.


Heroik Growth Accelerator

Working with a small group of leaders connected through live and digital learning content & Slack community.

Our Process

assessment & analysis

We work to address core, root problems, not alleviate symptoms. Find the drip, fix the leak. This means getting real and raw about deep issues.

strategic planning

We put in the thinking time with you to develop strategies and plans that are workable. This is the hard work that most organizations avoid.

OVERWATCH & management

We advise and provide overwatch on projects and teams you’re working with, to ensure they’re on task and things are humming the way they ought to.

Coaching & training

We have many multidisciplinary, adaptive skills to impart on leaders and teams. We offer Coaching & training for executive clients & teams who have earned the right to wield new powers.

Heroik’s Value-Based Consulting: The Catalyst for Modern Business Growth

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, businesses are constantly seeking ways to stay ahead, innovate, and remain relevant. The challenges are multifaceted, from understanding the latest technologies to navigating the complexities of digital transformation. Amidst this backdrop, Heroik emerges as a beacon of clarity, offering value-based consulting that goes beyond mere advice. It’s a partnership, a journey towards achieving tangible results and realizing the full potential of an organization.

Understanding the Heroik Difference

At its core, Heroik is not just a consulting firm; it’s a strategic partner dedicated to understanding the unique challenges and aspirations of its clients. The Heroik approach is rooted in the belief that every organization, regardless of its size or industry, has a unique value proposition. This value can be amplified, refined, and leveraged to achieve unprecedented growth and success in the digital age.

Unlike traditional consulting models that often prioritize billable hours over genuine results, Heroik’s value-based consulting focuses on delivering measurable outcomes. It’s a commitment to ensuring that every engagement, every strategy, and every recommendation aligns with the client’s overarching goals and values.

Engaging the Modern Business Leader

Heroik’s target audience is a testament to its specialized approach. The firm caters to Executives, Managers, Partners, Executive Directors, Board Members, and VPs of established organizations. These are leaders at the helm of significant enterprises, seeking to modernize, overhaul their digital efforts, or embark on the journey of digitizing their organization. They are decision-makers who understand the stakes and are looking for a partner who can guide them with expertise, integrity, and a deep understanding of their unique challenges.

The Power of Value-Based Consulting

  1. Deep Dive Analysis: Heroik begins its consulting journey with a comprehensive analysis. This isn’t just a surface-level review but a deep dive into the organization’s operations, culture, challenges, and aspirations. By understanding the intricacies, Heroik can tailor solutions that are not just effective but also sustainable in the long run.
  2. Strategic Partnerships: Heroik believes in building relationships. The firm’s consultants work closely with client teams, ensuring seamless communication, understanding, and execution. This partnership approach ensures that strategies are not just theoretical but are grounded in the realities of the business.
  3. Tangible Outcomes: The Heroik difference lies in its commitment to results. Every engagement is geared towards achieving specific, measurable outcomes. Whether it’s enhancing digital presence, streamlining operations, or driving revenue growth, Heroik’s value-based consulting ensures that clients see tangible benefits.
  4. Continuous Evolution: In the digital age, stagnation is the biggest threat. Heroik’s approach is rooted in the belief of continuous evolution. The firm not only helps clients adapt to the current landscape but also prepares them for future challenges, ensuring sustained success.
  5. Holistic Solutions: Heroik understands that modern businesses operate in a complex ecosystem. Hence, its solutions are holistic, considering every facet of the organization, from its people and processes to its technologies and touchpoints.

Engaging the Heroik Way

For businesses, especially those in the realms of Business Associations, Nonprofit Business Associations, FinTech organizations, and Law Firms, the digital journey can be daunting. The challenges are many, from understanding the latest technologies to ensuring that digital initiatives align with the organization’s core values. This is where Heroik’s value-based consulting shines.

Imagine a law firm looking to enhance its digital presence. While there are numerous technologies and platforms available, how does the firm ensure that its digital initiatives resonate with its clientele? How does it maintain the delicate balance between innovation and integrity? With Heroik’s value-based consulting, the firm receives tailored strategies that align with its values, ensuring that its digital journey enhances its reputation and client trust.

Similarly, for a FinTech organization operating in a highly competitive landscape, innovation is the key. But how does the organization ensure that its innovations are not just cutting-edge but also align with its customer’s needs and aspirations? Heroik, with its deep industry insights and value-based approach, can guide the organization towards solutions that are both innovative and impactful.


In the end, Heroik’s value-based consulting is not just about providing advice; it’s about driving change, achieving results, and ensuring that businesses realize their full potential in the digital age. It’s a commitment to excellence, integrity, and genuine partnership. For modern business leaders looking to navigate the complexities of the digital world, Heroik emerges as the partner of choice, guiding them towards a future of unprecedented growth and success.

What To Expect

First and foremost you can expect that our efforts together are all collaborative, and they require that you and your team are committed to your declared goals, our shared project, and the formidable work in between.

We make the seemingly impossible possible. As a guide and sherpa, we make the path easier, but greatness is still a challenging journey to the top. And it’s not for most.

Together, we will do the formidable work.

We are here to DTFW – Do The Formidable Work – together with you.
The journeys we offer are not a fit for every business. We work with the select few who are committed to their cause, investing in themselves, their team, and their company, to achieve their goals.


How much will it cost? 

This is the number one thing you probably want to know. And nothing is worse than the wasted time behind the cat and mouse game of  “Book a demo / contact us”  you find when researching a vendor on the web.  We care about your time and our time and won’t waste it.

The cost of your Heroik engagement depends on the form of engagement, other factors uncovered through discovery, the degree of planning already performed, and required resources committed and supplied on your part.

There are generally 2 different ways to engage Heroik: Value based, and hourly based engagements.

Client Preferred

Value Based

Our consulting engagements start by forming a conceptual agreement around the project, and the value of outcomes to you and the organization, factoring for the efforts and deliverables, and determine equitable terms based on this discussion. So you know in advance the road you are on. Generally, Heroik works on projects that involve significant change management, digital transformation, collaboration, deployment/integration of new technologies and/or rolling out growth initiatives for significant programs. The strategic planning efforts alone require multidisciplinary, strategic and technical expertise as well as substantial project management and communication work.  And depending on the project, it can range in cost anywhere from $25,000 into hundreds of thousands of dollars or more. 

Pay as You Go

Hourly Based

We also offer straightforward hourly consulting rates varying from $375 – $725 per hour per consultant, with pricing varying on the particular acumen and experience you seek as you’ll see below. This is ideal for situations where you need a pro to operate on the fly, improvise, adapt, and/or mitigate an emergency. Clients are billed for any time spent on the behalf of the client or the project. This option is for those who absolutely need the flexibility, or do not have the time to discuss a value based engagement, or are trying to bridge the gap between engagements. 

Typical Consulting Rates

*Estimated average consulting rates vary based on engagement, project priority consultant, availability, and are subject to change.

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