Consulting for Nonprofits: 13 Concrete Strategies To Get The Most Bang For Your Buck
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Working in a nonprofit is no easy task. You’re in the trenches, fighting the good fight every day. But let’s face it – sometimes you need backup. That’s where consultants come in. But here’s the million-dollar question: Are you squeezing every ounce of value from your consulting engagements?

If you’re not, you’re leaving money on the table. And in the nonprofit world, that’s a cardinal sin. So buckle up, and let’s change the equation for consulting for nonprofits.

1. Define Your Mission-Critical Objectives

Before you even think about bringing in a consultant, you need to get crystal clear on what you want to achieve. I’m talking laser-focused, no-BS objectives that align perfectly with your mission.

Ask yourself:

  • What’s the ONE thing that would move the needle for our organization?
  • What’s keeping us up at night?
  • Where are we bleeding money or resources?

Once you’ve nailed this down, you’ll be able to communicate your needs to potential consultants with pinpoint accuracy. Remember, vague goals get vague results. Be specific, be bold, and don’t be afraid to dream big.

2. Vet Like Your Mission Depends On It (Because It Does)

Here’s a hard truth: Not all consultants are created equal. You need someone who doesn’t just talk the talk, but has walked the walk in the nonprofit sector.

Do your homework:

  • Check their track record with other nonprofits
  • Look for someone who understands the unique challenges of the nonprofit world

3. Embrace the Power of Value-Based Pricing

Here’s where most nonprofits get it wrong: They focus on hourly rates instead of value delivered. It’s time to flip the script.

Instead of asking, “How much do you charge per hour?” ask:

  • “What kind of results can we expect from this engagement?”
  • “How will this impact our bottom line and mission fulfillment?”

A consultant who’s willing to tie some of their compensation to your results is a consultant who believes in their ability to deliver. That’s the kind of confidence you want on your team. However, if it’s a team effort, you’ll need to hold up your end of the bargain to experience those results.

4. Create a Culture of Implementation

This is crucial: The best advice in the world is worthless if you don’t act on it. Create a culture within your organization that’s primed for implementation.

  • Assign an internal champion to drive the changes
  • Set up regular check-ins to track progress
  • Celebrate quick wins to build momentum

Remember, a consultant can open the door, but you’ve got to walk through it.

5. Leverage Their Network Like It’s Your Own

A top-tier consultant isn’t just bringing their expertise to the table – they’re bringing their entire network. And in the nonprofit world, connections are currency.

  • Ask for introductions to potential donors or partners
  • Tap into their knowledge of best practices across the sector
  • Use their credibility to open doors that were previously closed

A great consultant should be a force multiplier for your organization’s reach and impact. But they won’t risk their reputation to connect top tier network to mediocre players. Expect to be vetted in turn.

6. Command Data-Driven Insights

In today’s world, gut feelings don’t cut it. You need cold, hard data to back up every decision. A consultant worth their salt should be drowning you in data-driven insights. If you’re expecting them to collect, build, deliver and do all the work – that’s more than consulting, and you’re going to pay a pretty penny for it. However, it also will get you clear data-filled story about your current situation on your trajectory.

Insist on:

  • Clear metrics for success
  • Regular reporting on key performance indicators
  • Actionable insights derived from data analysis

If they can’t measure it, they can’t improve it. And if they can’t improve it, why are you paying them?

7. Co-Create Solutions for Maximum Buy-In

Here’s a secret: The most effective solutions aren’t imposed from the outside – they’re co-created with your team. This isn’t just about getting better ideas; it’s about ensuring those ideas actually stick.

  • Involve key stakeholders in strategy sessions
  • Encourage open dialogue and constructive criticism
  • Blend the consultant’s expertise with your team’s on-the-ground knowledge

When your team feels ownership over the solutions, they’ll move mountains to make them work.

8. Insist on Knowledge Transfer

A consultant’s job isn’t just to solve your current problems – it’s to equip you to solve future problems on your own. Demand a focus on knowledge transfer from day one.

  • Schedule regular training sessions
  • Create detailed documentation of processes and strategies
  • Set up mentoring relationships between the consultant and key team members

The goal is to make the consultant’s expertise a permanent part of your organizational DNA.

9. Leverage Technology for Ongoing Support

In today’s digital age, the support shouldn’t stop when the consultant walks out the door. Insist on leveraging technology for ongoing guidance and support.

  • Set up virtual check-ins and strategy sessions
  • Use project management tools to track implementation
  • Create a knowledge base of the consultant’s insights and recommendations

This way, you’re not just getting a point-in-time solution – you’re building a lasting resource for your organization.

10. Push for Cross-Functional Impact

Don’t let your consultant operate in a silo. The best engagements have a ripple effect across the entire organization.

  • Encourage the consultant to interact with different departments
  • Look for opportunities to apply insights across various programs or initiatives
  • Break down internal barriers to maximize the consultant’s impact

A rising tide lifts all boats – make sure the consultant’s expertise elevates your entire organization.

11. Leverage Case Studies for Fundraising

Here’s a power move: Use the results of your consulting engagement as a compelling case study for donors. Show them exactly how you’re leveraging their support to drive real, measurable impact.

  • Document the “before and after” of the consulting engagement
  • Translate improvements into donor-friendly metrics
  • Use the case study in grant applications and donor presentations

This not only justifies the investment in consulting but can also open up new funding streams. It’s a win-win.

12. Build Long-Term Relationships, Not One-Off Engagements

The real magic happens when you build a long-term relationship with a consultant who truly gets your organization. Don’t think in terms of one-off projects – think long-term strategic partnerships.

  • Start small and scale up as you see results
  • Negotiate retainer agreements for ongoing support
  • Involve the consultant in long-term strategic planning

A consultant who’s invested in your long-term success is worth their weight in gold.

13. Demand Uncomfortable Truths

Last but not least, demand that your consultant tells you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear. The last thing you need is a yes-man who’s more concerned with a paycheck than your mission.

  • Encourage constructive criticism
  • Ask for honest assessments of your weaknesses
  • Be open to challenging your assumptions and sacred cows

Real growth happens outside your comfort zone. A great consultant should push you there.

The Bottom Line

Consulting for nonprofits isn’t a luxury – it’s a strategic imperative. But only if you approach it with the right mindset and strategies. Implement these 13 game-changing tactics, and you’ll transform your consulting engagements from a necessary expense into a force multiplier for your mission.

Remember, in the nonprofit world, every dollar counts. Make sure your consulting investments are delivering exponential returns. Because when you win, your mission wins. And that’s what it’s all about.

Now go out there and change the world – with a little help from the right consultant.

Want some more help?

Heroik offers several programs: Digital Overwatch, Trusted Advisor and Heroik Growth Accelerator, that mix advisory, strategic and technical implementation in year long consultative programs and has worked with non profits for over 17 years. Want more? Heroik also offers a free tailor-made business roadmap to help you chart a strategic course NOW. We also offer a free project planning tool. Start with a plan and roadmap, then create your first key project. Then stick to the plan, adapt and pivot as necessary.


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